
Wendy Artin’s ‘Flesh and Stone’ breathes new life into sculptures, article by Cate McQuaid, The Boston Globe, November 2023

Project with Attersee: Collaboration and Interview, October 2023

Arthur Ross Award in Fine Arts: Announcement and Ceremony, May 2023

Flesh and Stone, by Ingrid Rowland, October 2022

The Softness of Everyday Objects, article in Art of Watercolour Magazine, September 2022

Interview for LINEA, with Stephanie Cassidy, Art Students League, July 2022

The Flow of Water Colors, poem for Flow, by Francis Morrissey, November 2021

“Life drawing this evening. Open to all.” Writing for Lush, by Michael Frank, October 2020

Cose Naturali, writing for Lush: Flora e Fauna dalla Quarantena, by Jonathan Nossiter, October 2020

Writing about Lush: Flora e Fauna dalla Quarantena, by Wendy Artin, October 2020

Introduction to Révèle - Work on Paper, by Pat Nicholson, October 2019

Writing for Révèle - Work on Paper, by André Aciman, October 2019

Writing about Révèle - Work on Paper, by Wendy Artin, October 2019

Review of Révèle by Danielle Alyssa Boudrot at Delicious Line, by Danielle Alyssa Boudrot, November 2019

“Wendy Artin Watercolors - No Pencil Lines - Painting Masters 26,” video by Liron Yanconsky on YouTube, April 2019

Ancient and Modern, article in Watercolor Artist Magazine, by John Parks, February 2019

Return, an introduction to Ad Libitum - Work on Paper from Rome and Tivoli, by Elizabeth McGowan, October 2018

Introduction to Ad Libitum - Work on Paper from Rome and Tivoli, by Guy Hedreen, October 2018

Ad Libitum, reflections from exhibition catalogue, by Wendy Artin, October 2018

Introduction to Wendy Artin - Here Today, Athens, Rome, Paris, London, New York, 2017, by Joshua David, November 2017

“MEDUSA” on YouTube, ekphrastic prose by Susanna Mattiangeli read by Justin Broackes, November 2017

“The Wall,” an ekphrastic tale by Lily Artin Boschin, October 2017 (click here to read text)

Stalking Beauty, reflections from exhibition catalogue by Wendy Artin, October 2017

Spotlight on an Artist - Wendy Artin, article by Stephen Berry, Seamless Expression, July 2017

The New Shadows, Judd, Artin, article by William Eaton, Zeteo, February 2017

Known and Mysterious - Wendy Artin's Watercolors in "From the Roman Studio", article by Grace Dane Mazur, the Arts Fuse, November 2015

Being in Time, Wendy Artin's watercolors, text by Jessica Fisher, October 2015

From the Roman Studio, reflections from exhibition catalogue by Wendy Artin, October 2015

Workshop on Wendy Artin's Engagement with the Classical Past: Craggy Face, by James Cogswell, Kelsey Museum, October 2015

Sordoni exhibition catalog, Persistence: The Continuing Influence of Classical Myths, with an introduction by Stanley I Grand, Sordoni Gallery, Wilkes Barre, 2016

Stone from Delphi, Water from Rome, article by Franklin Einspruch, the New York Sun, November 1, 2013

Wendy Artin, Stone from Delphi, review by Susan Tallman, Art in Print, Volume 2, Number 5, January - February 2013

Masters Of Watercolor: Wendy Artin, by Konstantin Sterkhov, Masters of Watercolor, Saint Petersburg 2013

Watercolors That Mirror Historic Marble Frieze, article by Cate McQuaid, the Boston Globe, November 16, 2011

Wendy Artin - Translating Marble Onto Paper, article by Grace Dane Mazur, the Arts Fuse, November 2011

Liquid on Stone, article by Franklin Einspruch, the New York Sun, November 16, 2011

The Parthenon Friezes, text by Alexander Purves, October 2011

North Frieze Block XLIII, Figures 118-20, sonnet by Karl Kirchwey, October 2011

Painting the Fluid Figure in Watercolor, article by Bob Bahr, American Artist Watercolor, winter 2011 (see article in pdf)

Figure Drawing, 7th Edition, by Nathan Goldstein, Pearson, 2011

La Frise du Parthénon, article by Laurent Benoist, L'Art de l'Aquarelle n.7, 2011

Our Man in Rome, article by Eric Lyman, Open Skies Column, 2011

The Poetry of Ruins, article by Laurent Benoist,The Art of Watercolour 1st issue, 2010

Escapade en Italie, article by Laurent Benoist, L'Art de l'Aquarelle n.3, January 2010

Escapade Romaine, Arts Magazine n.40, December 2009

Columnae, text by Alexander Purves, 2009

Hadrien, catalogue with text by Alexander Purves, Galerie du Passage, 2009

Esprit de Corps, Wendy Artin, catalogue with text by Amy Fine Collins, Gurari Collections 2007

Wendy Artin: Esprit de Corps, article by Catherine Laferrière, Artscope November-December 2007

Wendy Artin '80: Making an Art Form Out of Life, article by Laura Levis, BB&N Bulletin, fall 2007

Le Corps Jailli des Ombres, article by Alexandra Bourré, Pratique des Arts Hors Série No. 8

The Emergence of Tonal Drawing, excerpt of article by Ephraim Rubenstein, 2006, 2011 American Artist

Foro Italico, Wendy Artin, catalogue with text by Stephen Harby, Gurari Collections 2005

Toys, Wendy Artin, catalogue with text by Robert Capia, Galerie du Passage 2005

Femmine, Wendy Artin, catalogue with texts by Laura Riccioli, Tamara Bertolini, Gurari Collections 2003

Still Life with Flavor, article by Joshua David, Gourmet, Rome Edition, March 2003

Wendy Artin, text by Noemi Giszpenc, ArtsMedia, November 2002

Roma Antica, Wendy Artin, catalogue with text by Wendy Artin, Gurari Collections 2002

Dessins et Aquarelles 1994-2001, Wendy Artin, catalogue with texts by Pierre-Jean Rémy, April Gornik and Eric Fischl, Galerie du Passage 2001

Figures, Wendy Artin, catalogue with texts by April Gornik and Eric Fischl, Gurari Collections 2001

Artin Craft, An American Artist in Rome, article by Amy Fine Collins, Vanity Fair, September 2001

Così, Come un'artista, Gabriella Cherubini, Grazia, December 2001

Aphrodite, Wendy Artin, catalogue with texts by Adele Chatfield-Taylor, Richard Leacock, Valerie Lalonde, Guarari Collections 2000

Roman Fever, Cate McQuaid, Boston Globe, October 6, 2000

Rome Rises on Charles St. Aphrodite Smiles, Charles M. Long, Beacon HilIn Art, Wendy Artinl Back Bay Chronicle, October 11, 2000

Pintar La Vida, Contar la Historia, Urbano Hidalgo, Joyce, October 2000

Wendy Artin, un regard d'aquarelle, article by Misha de Potestad, Elle Decoration, Octobre 1999

Wendy Artin, escapades sur papier, article by Milu Cachat, Cote Sud, October-November 1998

Looking for Artin Walls, Heidi Mae Bratt, New York Post, November 26, 1996

With Pencil, Brush and Charcoal: Works on paper by Wendy Artin, Cate McQuaid, Boston Globe November 21, 1996

In Art, Wendy Artin, text by Wendy Artin, Boston Public Library, 1996

Le mouvement dans le dessin et la peinture, and L'espace dans le dessin et la peinture, Daniel Lacomme, Ed. Bordas, Paris 1995

Wendy Artin painting walls in New York City, by Satoro Ishikawa, photo, and article, Yomiuri America, 1993