Wendy Artin watercolor of New York wall Marilyn Innocent 2017

Wendy Artin, NYC Marilyn Innocent Wall, 26"x41", 2017

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Here Today

Athens, Rome, Paris, London, New York

Wendy Artin watercolors of wall paintings for exhibit Here Today at Gurari Collections

Wendy Artin, Big Pile of Big Wallscapes, 2017

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Beautifully stained stencils, torn posters, printouts, spray-painted marks, drips, cracks, rust, hinges, beloved faces peering out of flat walls: these are city walls that I love to look at and take detours to see again.  Unlike the bas-reliefs from antiquity that I have painted in the past, they will disappear in a matter of months.  Like a wild garden, they have no one designer, no master architect. I have taken some liberties moving things around and swapping out certain images, but this is basically how the real walls were as I stood in front of them.

Wendy Artin three watercolors of urban walls, with stencils and posters and graffiti, from Paris Athens and Rome

Wendy Artin - On Danse, Motorcycle, Cinema America, 9"x12" - 2017

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I try to make the paint elegant and clumsy – full of information, but not trompe-l’oeil – in and out of focus, crisp here and watery there.  As diverse as faces in a city crowd, there are line drawings, paintings, stencils, photographs — all different ways of portraying people, in all different sizes, like a fairytale.  Artistically this gives me freedom to play, to paint in a variety of different ways.  I can change the color, the focus; I can allow the watercolor to shine with its full versatility.  I can stay right on the edge of illusion, with the image moving back and forth between 2D and 3D: hand-made paintings of usually machine-generated postings. The layering and different focal points are like improvisational jazz where the sweet themes that you recognize shift and change as you become carried away by the next bit till suddenly there is a new tune, a new picture, a new face. 

Many of the walls have images of famous people who died too young: Amy Winehouse, John Lennon, David Bowie, Marilyn Monroe, Andy Warhol, Audrey Hepburn, Muhammed Ali.  They are posted or painted in order to remember, to have the people live on, but they are so temporary — pasted paper, stencils!  There is something quite touching about the fragility of these pieces of paper that are trying to prolong the too short lives of these idols. Fleeting lives, fleeting images — glimpses of Bruno too are on some of the walls.

Wendy Artin watercolor of New York city wall with Muhammed Ali, John Lennon and Yoko Ono, 2017

Wendy Artin, NYC Muhammed John Yoko, 26" x 41", 2017

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Paradoxically, it was a trip to Athens to see the Parthenon frieze at the new Acropolis Museum that began this new series, as I found myself doubling back to admire a fragment of a wall with Greek graffiti and a tiny Madonna stencil. The urge to put faces on facades reaches back in time and across cultures - is their purpose similar?

Wendy Artin watercolor of London wall with Amy Winehouse, 2017

Wendy Artin, London Amy Winehouse Wall, 9"x12", 2017

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What do the walls say, about the inhabitants, the travelers, the individuals, their dreams? From the polite Roman walls with respectful space around each posting, to the scantily clad seductive stencils on Paris walls, to the chaotic and empassioned artistic layerings of New York?  

These paintings are time capsules and travel pieces. They are rich with unfinished stories, like a writer's prompt given by an invisible narrator, a couple of out-of-context word-images shimmying together on a dance floor. And at the same time they speak of the pure dynamism and raw beauty of marks on a dizzying city wall, or, I hope, on paper...

Wendy Artin quick watercolor of oleander flowers

Wendy Artin, Oleander, 7"x 9", 2016

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It has been fabulous to paint the blossoms that distract me as I am out for a run!  So there will be several of these in the exhibit too. Ephemeral. Some scissors as well.  

And what would an exhibit be without some sanguine watercolors of the figure? The most beautiful poses cannot be held for long:  each drawing session is a challenge and a joy.

Wendy Artin sanguine watercolor of Callista in a stretch

Wendy Artin, Callista another stretch, 8"x 14", 2017

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Wendy Artin in a red dress in front of Cinema America wall 2017

Wendy Artin, Rome, Cinema America 2017

Photos from the Exhibition


Ad Libitum 2018


From The Roman Studio 2015